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I’ll close my eyes to realize
I’m lonely…hey
I’ll find relief from this deep stress
On highway…hey

It was enormous crush
But stop this rush
I’m leaving
Cos I know
It was a money-love
I gave up
Tomorrow I’ll see you
And have nothing to fell

I say
Hey…I know that
The best part of you was me
The best part of you was me, baby
Just me, baby

I will forgive and let you go
Without my pain
That golden myth won’t catch my soul
In your cage again

It was enormous crush
But stop this rush
I’m leaving
Cos I know
It was a money-love
I gave up
Tomorrow I’ll see you
And have nothing to fell

I say
Hey…I know that
The best part of you was me
The best part of you was me, baby
Just me, baby

Видео Мія — Best Part of You

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