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Nothing comes from dreams but dreams
Still you believe in wonder
Something happens and it seems
Like a strike of thunder

Nothing comes from love but love
Why is it growing stronger?
I am falling from above
I will wait no longer

(You’ll never, you’ll never break free from gravity)

I’m like a butterfly
Spinning round a sword as if to dare
I should have stayed up high
(You’ll never, you’ll never break free from gravity)

Nothing comes from pride but pride
Don’t spare your blade
Dancing on the edge tonight
I’m not afraid

I’m like a butterfly
Spinning round a sword as if to dare
I should have stayed up high
(You’ll never, you’ll never break free from gravity)

Nothing comes from songs but songs
If they can’t take you higher
Put your heart where it belongs
(Light up your fire)




Видео Злата Огневич — Gravity

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Злата Огневич - Gravity текст песни слова перевод видео(Zlata Ognevich - Gravity / Eurovision 2013 Ukraine ), 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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