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Текст песни (lyrics)

Baby I got love for thee so deep inside of me
I don’t know where to start
I love you more than anything
But the words cant even touch what’s in my heart

When I try to explain it
I be sounding insane
The words don’t ever come out right
I get all tongue tied (and twisted)
I can’t explain what I’m feeling

So I say baby baby, baby
Baby I (ooh baby, oh baby, my baby)
Baby I (ooh baby, baby I)
All I’m tryna say is you’re my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it

(baby, baby ohohohoh)

Baby I’m so down for you no matter what you
I’ll be around
See baby I been feelin’ you
Before I knew what feelings were about

When I try to explain it
I be sounding insane
The words don’t ever come out right
I get all tongue tied (and twisted)
I can’t explain what I’m feeling

So I say baby baby, baby
Baby I (ooh baby, baby I)
All I’m tryna say is you’re my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it

(baby, baby ohohohoh)

Staright up you got me (all in)
How could I not be
I sure hope you know
If it’s even possible
I love you more
Than word Love can say it
It’s better not explaining that why I keep saying…

Baby I



Видео Ariana Grande — Baby I

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