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I was walking pissed inside my head
You couldn’t get out
Turn the lights down
Voices inside are so loud.

You did a jump start
Gotta turn it on
I couldn’t feel,
I wish that I could disappear
The voices inside are so real.

But you stood by my side.
Night after night, night after night.
You loved me back to life, life
From the darkness the wait is over.
You loved me back to life, life
From the darkness, we’re lovers again tonight.
Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life, yeah

Warm me up one touch I’m on fire
Love me back to life, back to life,
But I died.
The voices inside were so quiet.

But you stood my side
Night after night, light up the night
You loved me back to life, life
From the darkness the wait is over.
You loved me back to life, life
From the darkness, we’re lovers again tonight.

Strong hands, thick skin, and an open heart
You saw through the pain, saw through the mask
You never gave up on me, yeah

You loved me back to life, life
From the darkens, the wait is over.
You loved me back to life, life
From the darkness, we’re lovers again tonight
Back to life, back to life,
Back to life, back to life
Back to life. back to life,
Back to life, back to life



Видео Celine Dion — Loved Me Back To Life

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