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I know this hurt
I know that`s pain
But people change the knows
I`ve been no said

In my own way
Regret choices I`ve made
How do I say I`m sorry
How do I say I`m sorry

I was scared
I was unprepared
Oh,for the things you said
If I couldn`t do that i hurt you
I would do anything for us to make it through

Got me a smile and save me tonihgt
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paid me a heart let me be your eye
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
Let a heart`s start and beat us one together
Let a heart`s start and beat us one forever

How can i erase decisions I`ve made
How do I go back what more can I say
On,not invents a hearts feel will shade
The how do we say we sorry
How do we say we sorry

I was scared
I was unprepared
Oh,for the things you said
If I couldn`t do that i hurt you
I would do anything for us to make it through

Got me a smile and save me tonihgt
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paid me a heart let me be your eye
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
Let a heart`s start and beat us one together
Let a heart`s start and beat us one forever

I go back instead and I realize a spirit to live
And we never die

Got me a smile and save me tonihgt
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paid me a heart let me be your eye
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
And let a heart`s start and beat us one together
Let a heart`s start and beat us one forever



Видео Christina Aguilera — Blank Page

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