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Текст песни(lyrics)

I’m coming out from the shadows
Shooting straight like an arrow
Ain’t nothing gonna slow me down, slow me down, yeah
Got a flow like a cool breeze
Stand taller than a palm tree
Ain’t nothing gonna cut me down, cut me down, yeah

I remember all the words you said
That we’re crazy, that can never end
When your light starts fading out, fading out

Don’t keep waiting for an open door
Break the lock and get something more
Make a move ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE
We ain’t got to get a second chance
Life ain’t nothing but a crazy dance
Let the moves ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE

Never had to go tell all
‘Cause you loved me head to toe
All I wanted was to make you proud, make you proud, yeah
I just wanna hold you so close
In return be your rain coat
When the rain lets you drown you out, drown you out, yeah

I remember all the words you said
That we’re crazy, that can never end
When your light starts fading out, fading out

Don’t keep waiting for an open door
Break the lock and get something more
Make a move ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE
We ain’t got to get a second chance
Life ain’t nothing but a crazy dance
Let the moves ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE


You can always break the rules
You can always start to dance
But you gotta take a chance, a chance
You can always break the rules
You can always start to dance
But you gotta take a chance, a chance

Don’t keep waiting for an open door
Break the lock and get something more
Make a move ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE
We ain’t got to get a second chance
Life ain’t nothing but a crazy dance
Let the moves ’cause YOU’RE ALIVE, ALIVE




Видео Dami Im — Alive

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