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Fantasia,the way you move your body makes me crazy
And I wanna,lookinto your eyes and tell you baby

I just don`t really wanna see you,see you
But you are to bring my heart again and again
I just don`t really wanna feel you feel you
Leave me alone and try to understand my love

I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon
I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon

Fantasia,i can`t forget about you sexy lady
I can hold you,never let you go oh pretty baby

I just don`t really wanna see you,see you
But you are to bring my heart again and again
I just don`t really wanna feel you feel you
Leave me alone and try to understand my love

I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon
I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon

I just don`t really wanna see you,see you
But you are to bring my heart again and again
I just don`t really wanna feel you feel you
Leave me alone and try to understand my love

I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon
I feel your heartbeat next to mine
So let me take you by my side
I wanna whisper in your ear to mi mujer mi corazon

Видео Dony — Fantasia

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