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I want your body
Won’t live without it
So turn up the party
I’m feeling naughty
Stay close to me, I’ll be all that you need
Don’t deny what you want baby
I want your body
All I desire, you relight the fire
Just come with me, come with me

Just gonna let it go tonight,
All I want is you, thousand shades of blue
Dancing in your eyes
I’m just gonna let it go tonight,
I just wanna be, hold you close to me
Dancing in your eyes
I want your body

It’s getting hotter, the beat is louder
I know you want me, and I want your body
Stay close to me, I’ll be all that you need
Don’t deny what you want baby
I want your body
All I desire, you relight the fire
Just come with me, come with me

Just gonna let ig go tonight,
All I want is you, thousand shades of blue
Dancing in your eyes
I’m just gonna let it go tonight,
I just wanna be, hold you close to me
Dancing in your eyes
I want your body


Видео Inna — In Your Eyes

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