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you`re always on my mind

I see the way that you

Look at her right at her.

Do you honestly think she`s the right girl.

She doesn`t see the light in your laughter.

On your laughter.

Has me begging to be in your world.

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

Always on my mind.

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

Let me show you just

how bad i want you.

Oh l want you,you,you,you

Like the first time

You walked by with that smile.

L know you love

That`s just why i shouldn`t

I do what i want to do woahhh

But I haven`t felt this way

In a while

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

Always on my mind.

You`re always on my mind.

You`re always on my mind

If i could show you for the night.

You don`t even have to try.

You`re always on my mind.

Видео Kristen Williams feat. Vinny Venditto — On My Mind

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