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The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
Walking down the street again far away the light
And .. empty heart nothing left behind
No more sleepless night no more sweet …
You were selfish I was weak
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
No one to save me

Standing with open arms calling up my name
You belong forever here you used to say
Just when I reach out for you you take off and go
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Leaving me the sweet despair now I know
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
I am burning my love
No one to save me
Save me tell me why
I am burning my life
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me
The fallen angels are so contagious
Call 911 I am falling down no one to save me

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