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Текст песни (lyrics)

Tearing me apart with what you wanna say
Suddenly tomorrow’s moment washed away
Cuz I don’t have a reason and you don’t have the time
But we both keep on waiting for something we won’t find

The light on the horizon is brighter yesterday
Shadows floating over, skies begin to fade
You said it was forever but then it slipped away
Standing at the end of the final masquerade

All I’ve ever wanted, the secrets that you keep
All you’ve ever wanted, the truth I couldn’t speak
Cuz I can’t see forgiveness, and you can’t see the crime
If we both keep on waiting for what we left behind

The light on the horizon is brighter yesterday
Shadow floating over, sky’s begin to fade
You said it was forever but then it slipped away
Standing at the end of the final masquerade

the final masquerade
the final masquerade
Standing at the end of the final masquerade

The light on the horizon is brighter yesterday
Shadow floating over, sky’s begin to fade
You said it was forever but then it slipped away
Standing at the end of the final masquerade



Видео Linkin Park — Final Masquerade

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