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I can’t let you go, but you already know
Since you’ve been gone, I have nowhere to run
They all say it’s wrong and I should be strong
Let go this feeling
Now I regret, and hope you’ll forget
The times that I played when you thought it was a game
But if you stay, another day
I’ll make you see me,

Look in my sad eyes to see how the time flies
And then take my hand, there’s no way to end
Let’s make the world go round
You’ll be my … number one X 2

I can’t let you go, but you already know
Since you’ve been gone, I have nowhere to run
They all say it’s wrong and I should be strong
Let go this feeling
Now I regret, and hope you’ll forget
The times that I played when you thought it was a game
But if you stay, another day
I’ll make you see me,

Look in my sad eyes to see how the time flies
And then take my hand, there’s no way to end
Let’s make the world go round
You’ll be my … number one X 2



Видео Lora — Sad Eyes

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