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Текст песни( lyrics)

I’m staring at cold us
Head in my hands, crying about myself
They’re closing in on me
I gotta break out of this prison cell

I was down on twisted love
Now I’m over that
Can’t feel sorry, now I’m fighting back

Start a Riot
Wanna burn it down to the ground with you tonight
I won’t fight it
Gonna raise some hell, going hard with you tonight

Why don’t you move it like you stole it
Take it like you own it
Touch it like you want it

Why don’t we start a Riot
Gonna burn it down to the ground with you tonight

So here’s to the good life
I’m ready for action, baby, make your move
I’m breaking the habits
Of giving a damn and it starts with you

I was down on twisted love
Now I’m over that
Look at how you turn a good girl bad

Start a Riot
Wanna burn it down to the ground with you tonight
I won’t fight it
Gonna raise some hell, going hard with you tonight

Why don’t you move it like you stole it
Take it like you own it
Touch it like you want it

Why don’t we start a Riot
Gonna burn it down to the ground with you tonight

I won’t fight it
Let me ignite it
With you
Start a Riot
Let me light it up
With you

Start a Riot
Wanna burn it down to the ground with you tonight
I won’t fight it
Gonna raise some hell, going hard with you tonight

Why don’t you move it like you stole it
Take it like you own it
Touch it like you want it

Why don’t we start a Riot
Gonna burn it down to the ground with you tonight

Start a Riot
With you
Start a Riot
With you

Why don’t you move it like you stole it
Take it like you own it
Touch it like you want it

Start a Riot with you
Start a Riot with you



Видео Mandy Rain — Riot

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Mandy Rain - Riot текст песни слова перевод видео lyrics, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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