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In theExplain middle of Hollywood Boulevard
Screaming at each other, screaming at each other
Like, «Oh oh oh,» can’t take it anymore
Like a tragedy, like a dark comedy
Laughing at each other, laughing at each other
Like, «Oh oh oh,» it isn’t funny anymore

I was the man who never lied
Never lied until today
But I just couldn’t break your heart
Like you did mine yesterday
I was the man who never lied, oh
I was the man who never lied, oh, yeah

Sometimes honesty is the worst policy
Happy ever after, happy ever after
Let it go, you never need to know
I don’t wanna be picking up all of these
Tiny little pieces, tiny little pieces
Of your heart, won’t do it anymore


I was the
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh

In the middle of Hollywood Boulevard
What am I doing in Hollywood Boulevard?
In the middle of Hollywood Boulevard
Screaming at each other, screaming

[Hook x2]

Видео Maroon 5 — The Man Who Never Lied

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