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Текст песни ( lyrics )

I ll keep on dreaming ‘n’ dreaming the summer rain
my heart is going insane
and when i ‘m lost in the night in the summer rain
i will be calling your name

I still believe
i can live my life on my own
still remember
All of the thing
i ‘ve been doing since i m alone

Now, i feel its the time to call in the night
and bring me to you
I, i whisper goodbyes
to all of my dreams i ‘m spending for you

I ‘ll keep on dreaming ‘n’ dreaming the summer rain
my heart is going insane
and when i’ m lost in the night in the summer rain
i will be calling your name

I need you here
to release my mind and my soul
and be together
i can see clear
only after all clouds are gone

Now, i feel its the time to call in the night
and bring me to you
I, i whisper goodbyes
to all of my dreams i ‘m spending for you

I ‘ll keep on dreaming ‘n’ dreaming the summer rain
my heart is going insane
and when i’ m lost in the night in the summer rain
i will be calling your name



Видео Mattyas — Summer Rain

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