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The world spit me off, well, now we’re spinning around, lost in a free fall
Forever going down, and they can crew the ground
When I thought I reached the end, I start to fall again

But I’ll start to never surrender when it’s hard to get up
Gonna fight till I can spin and say

Oh, you can turn me down, you can throw me now
The harder out, the harder I come back around
You can break my heart but you can’t scratch my name
I can take the hit cause I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang

Now I’m 10 feet tall,all my problems feel so small
Nothing in my way to make me change
No ceiling to my sky, just open space to fly
Everytime I’m feeling down, I turn it back around

But I’ll start to never surrender when it’s hard to get up
Gonna fight till I can spin and say

Oh, you can turn me down, you can throw me now
The harder out, the harder I come back around
You can break my heart but you can’t scratch my name
I can take the hit cause I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang

Even though I’m flying high, the sky can change one day
I can hit some turbulence, but who I am is never gonna change cause I’m a boomerang
Cause I’m a boomerang
Cause I’m a boomerang
Cause I’m a boomerang

Oh, you can turn me down, you can throw me now
The harder out, the harder I come back around
You can break my heart but you can’t scratch my name
I can take the hit cause I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang
Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I’m a boomerang


Видео Nicole Scherzinger — Boomerang

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