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Текст песни ( lyrics )

I was feeling down with my back against the wall and suddenly
I got an unexpected call
feeling weak feeling like im gonna fall and then a voice
Said i will catch you if you fall

’cause life is so unexpected,
So live life without no regrets yeah
smile and drive your fears away,
You used to live your life like its a holiday everyday
’cause life is so unexpected,
So live life without no regrets yeah
smile and drive your fears away,
You used to live your life like its a holiday everyday

Now you want to keep me to yourself and party with your friends
but i really think you need to find somebody else
and i can drink and smoke if i want to
bank my money in the mall if i want to
i can be a player i can ball if i want to
break all the rules in your school if i want to

’cause life is so unexpected,
So live life without no regrets yeah
smile and drive your fears away,
You used to live your life like its a holiday everyday



Видео Oceana — Unexpected

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