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I close my eyes again
I count to 10 again
But there is no sign of my friends
My friends

I can’t see any form
Because this game it has no toys
And I keep playing again
And I keep playing, playing again

Stop now, don’t turn around
I keep saying, I’ll keep playing
Stop now, don’t turn make a sound
Keep playing, the children saying

Close your eyes, count to 10
If you turn around let’s start again
Close your eyes, count to 10
If you turn around let’s start again

I’m counting the days when I was young
Where nothing else mattered
When we had fun
I go back to that place
Now I’m down
Where we would have hours
While we counted the time
Counted the time

Stop now, don’t turn around
I keep saying, I’ll keep playing
Stop now, don’t turn make a sound
Keep playing, the children saying

Close your eyes, count to 10
If you turn around let’s start again
Close your eyes, count to 10
If you turn around let’s start again.


Видео Parachute Youth — Count To Ten

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