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I tune you out when I tried, I couldn’t do it anymore
Told myself that I was fine, it was something that I just knew
That I feel a weight lift up the moment that I follow through
Well I guess I fooled myself ‘cos I never really wanted to

Oh, I knew that even if I kept you in the dark, I knew
Because it only takes a spark


I’m standing in the pouring rain
I’m feeling like a hurricane
A photograph is all it takes
But I know I shouldn’t let it
And the memories are rising fast
It’s seeping in through every crack
Oh, funny how it all comes back
When you’re trying to forget it
Here comes the hurricane
Here comes the hurricane

When I cut you off, it was something that I had to do
And I tried to push it down but it’s always gonna follow you
And yeah, if you close your eyes it doesn’t mean you fell asleep
I try so hard but you’re never really gonna leave

Oh, I knew that even as I kept you in the dark it’ll never do
Because it only takes a spark


I’m standing in the pouring rain
I’m feeling like a hurricane
A photograph is all it takes
But I know I shouldn’t let it
And the memories are rising fast
It’s seeping in through every crack
Oh, funny how it all comes back
When you’re trying to forget it
Here comes the hurricane
Here comes the hurricane

Everybody knows I didn`t want it to end
Everybody knows I didn`t want it to end

I’m standing in the pouring rain
I’m feeling like a hurricane
A photograph is all it takes
But I know I shouldn’t let it
And the memories are rising fast
It’s seeping in through every crack
Oh, funny how it all comes back
When you’re trying to forget it
Here comes the hurricane
Here comes the hurricane



Видео Parachute — Hurricane

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