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This is the moment
We`ll remember
Every day for the rest of our lives
Time may rush us
Hurt or love us
But on this day we have arrived

It`s been a long time coming
We`ve been in the running for so long
But now we`re on our way
Let the ride just take us
Side by side and make us
see the world through new eyes every day

You`re a winner
I`m a winner
This is all happening so fast
You`re a winner
I`m a winner
Let`s enjoy it all while it lasts

I`ve been a loser
I`ve paid my dues
I fought my way up from the ground
Now at this moment
The crowd acclaim us
Will you just listen to that sound!

It`s been a long time coming
We`ve been in the running for so long
But now we`re on our way
Let the ride just take us
Side by side and make us
see the world through new eyes every day

You`re a winner
I`m a winner
This is all happening so fast
You`re a winner
I`m a winner
Let`s enjoy it all while it lasts

It took us so long
And we worked so hard
We came so far just to compete
But don`t forget all
The love and laughter
Now the world is at our feet
looking back on all the times
We felt downcast
Didn`t think we were going anywhere
Just livivng in the past
But in that desperation
You get inspiration

You`re a winner
I`m a winner
This is all happening so fast
You`re a winner
I`m a winner
Let`s enjoy it all while it lasts

`cause you`re a winner
Took so long
we worked so hard
We came so far just to compete
But don`t forget all
The love and laughter
Now the world is at our feet

You`re a winner
I`m a winner
This is all happening so fast
You`re a winner
I`m a winner
Let`s enjoy it all while it lasts

`cause you`re a winner


Видео Pet Shop Boys — Winner

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