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Yeah,the party shaker
Wake up,wake up
People getting on
I`m gonna rock your body

Stand up,stand up
We`re moving all the way to the top
We flying high,so high to the sky
And we lead any dance
Floor right to night
We will blow this club away

From Rio to Jamaika
We are the party shaker
So welcome everybody
let`s party tonight
Will sit until is wasted
They call us troublemakes
But we just like to party
And party tonight

From Rio to Jamaika
We are the party shaker
So welcome everybody
let`s party tonight
Will sit until is wasted
They call us troublemakes
But we just like to party
And party tonight

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
We just like to party
And party tonight

Love is in the air
All lucky girls get naughty
Tonight`s the night
We`re blinded by the disko lights
We`re flying high,so high to the sky
Make it over the rainbow right,tonight
We will blow this club away

From Rio to Jamaika
We are the party shaker
So welcome everybody
let`s party tonight
Will sit until is wasted
They call us troublemakes
But we just like to party
And party tonight

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
We just like to party
And party tonight

So if you wanna dance
The party never ends
So people put your hands up
Your hands,shake your body,
rock and dance
Let`s get ready for the party tonight

Summer now,we`re gonna make a party
Sip your drink
Everybody groove and dance like oh oh oh
And you know you`re gonna want more
Take you all around the world,we`re on tour
Everybody get your ass upon the floor

From Rio to Jamaika
We are the party shaker
So welcome everybody
let`s party tonight
Will sit until is wasted
They call us troublemakes
But we just like to party
And party tonight

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh

Oh ey oh,oh ey oh
Oh ey oh,oh ey oh

Видео R.I.O. feat. Nicco — Party Shaker

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