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Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Baby you dance for me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Just come and dance with me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Baby you dance for me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Just come and dance with me

I am forever yours
The moon chained to the stars
The music pumps my heart
Your moves are killer art

I am forever yours
The moon chained to the stars
The music pumps my heart
Your moves are killer art

I saw you dance tonight
You are my one true light
You dance for me
Oh baby

I saw you dance tonight
You are my one true light
You dance for me
Oh baby

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Baby you dance for me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Just come and dance with me

I saw you dance tonight
You are my one true light
You dance for me
Oh baby

I saw you dance tonight
You are my one true light
You dance for me
Oh baby

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Baby you dance for me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Just come and dance with me
Just come and dance with me
Just come and dance with me
dance with me,dance with me
dance,dance ,dance ,dance
Just come and dance with me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Baby you dance for me

Yalla yalla ya hawa
Yalla yalla ya ghali
yalla yalla ana baheb
Just come and dance with me

Видео Stereo Light — Yalla Yalla

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