Тексты и слова песен


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Here comes the storm
And they say
We will fall
It will break your heart to pieces

Forget the past we are out of time
To let love conquer and shine
Forget the past we are out of time
To let love conquer and shine

Black rose gives immortal life
Black rose for the sacrifice
Black rose will show you the light
Black rose gives immortal life
Black rose for the sacrifice
Black rose will show you the light

Is the black rose
Is the black rose
Is the black rose

Forget the past we are out of time
To let love conquer and shine

Black rose gives immortal life
Black rose for the sacrifice
Black rose will show you the light
Black rose gives immortal life
Black rose for the sacrifice
Black rose will show you the light

Is the black rose
Black rose
Is a black rose
Is a black rose



Видео Stroke 69 — Black Rose

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