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Текст песни ( lyrics )

Come and get some of this sex love and rock `n` roll
Come on, baby, get out of control
Baby, I was made to be a legend, legend
Baby, just roll the dice, the lucky seven, seven
Tonight I’mma take you all the way to heaven, heaven
Baby just stick with me, stick with me
I’m what you need, I’m your VIP-o

Baby I’m your VIP
Sex, love, rock`n`roll
Tonight I’m gonna make you scream
Sex, love, rock`n`roll

I got the keys to the city, wherever you wanna go
Baby, please, stay with me
Don’t worry bout a thang cause perfectly you bid me
I’m so, I think this love force just bit me
Baby, you know that I’m a legend, legend
Baby, just roll the dice, the lucky seven, seven
Tonight I’mma take you all the way to heaven, heaven
Baby just stick with me, stick with me
I’m what you need, I’m your VIP-o

Baby I’m your VIP
Sex, love, rock`n`roll
Tonight I’m gonna make you scream
Sex, love, rock`n`roll

Baby I’m your VIP
Sex, love, rock`n`roll
Tonight I’m gonna make you scream
Sex, love, rock`n`roll



Видео Arash feat. T-Pain — Sex Love Rock ‘N’ Roll

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